Last week, Princess and Juicy Boy were finishing up their lunch of hot dogs and applesauce. This lunch, although not appealing to me (I do not like hot dogs. Never have. Never will...and I really don't care for applesauce), was what Princess asked for and Juicy Boy likes. Juicy Boy was enjoying his meal and so was Princess. That is until she heard her show come on television.
The theme song started and she immediately tells me that she's not hungry. Princess is not a big eater, but I do require her to eat three meals a day. So, I told her that she could watch her show after she ate her lunch. She gave me the defeated look and stared at her food. I told her the faster she got through her meal the faster she would be able to watch her show.
I turned my attention back to washing the dishes and Princess jumped up and told me she had to go to the bathroom. I told her to hurry up and go. Well, I wasn't paying attention when I told her to go to the bathroom, but I did glance up as she was running to the bathroom and started laughing to myself. Princess was running to the bathroom with a fist full of hot dog nuggets.
I couldn't believe that she was attempting to run a game on me! She wasn't running just any game on me, but the game that I perfected with vegetables when I was her age. Here are the rules: When you have food on your plate that you don't want to eat, you ask to be excused to the bathroom and then shove veggies in your mouth and immediately spit them in the toilet (my version) or put them in your fist and throw them in the toilet (her version).
My dear Princess thought she had it made, but I stopped her. I told her to show me her hands. She did and this big smile appeared on both of our faces. I didn't tell her that I used to do the same thing with my vegetables, but I told her that she had to eat some of those hot dogs and that I would tape her show so she wouldn't miss any of it.
She ate all of her hot dog nuggets and watched her show while I continued to have a good laugh. Princess doesn't know, but I was so good at playing the game that my parents only knew that I flushed my vegetables down the toilet because I told them once I became an adult:)