Thursday, December 6, 2007

Proud Mommy

Today was a day of challenge. I had to deal with a challenge at work that got me fired up! I mean so fired up that I had to have some friends talk to me, help me focus, and calm down. I was still a little fired up when I went to pick up Princess from school...and then I saw her. She slowly started putting out the fire as soon as I saw her face and just took her all in...talking 100 miles a minute. Then when I got home, Juicy Boy, gave me the biggest grin and crawled to me so quickly so that there was only smoldering coals in my system. Bear greeted me with open arms and a hug that melted all of the hurt away. All that was left, was a memory of the fire.

I am thankful for my family. I love my family. I am a proud mommy of two wonderful children. They make me laugh, smile, fill up, run, jump, dance, giggle, sigh, cry (with joy and pain), and just feel good. Juicy Boy, my miracle child, (you can't tell that this time last year, he and I were talking, praying and working with God so he would stay in the womb) is standing up and inching along. My big boy, aka Mitts, (yeah, he's really a big boy) loves to pull up on the back of your legs and hold on while you walk. He's on his way! He is also developing a humorous little personality. He laughs appropriately at what you say to him. He makes eyes at women. Juicy Boy makes the best giggle when you dance with him. When the rhythm hits him, he starts clapping. You should have seen him at the Nutcracker performance we went to last Saturday (thanks to my Pittsburgh crew). Juicy Boy grins constantly...and, checks people out (he and Uncle Brownie had a little contest at Thanksgiving;) Oh, and he looks a lot like his Uncle Brownie did at this age. He loves, loves, loves, his sister. He especially love the princess when she pulls him on a blanket. Now whenever he sees a blanket, he crawls up to it, spreads out, and waits for her to take him on his ride! Juicy Boy is love!

My princess princess. She is growing like a weed. (Her pants that were bought at the beginning of the school year are floods. Yeah, they are so bad that it looks like Noah is coming any day now.) She is a dancing, singing, acting, foreign language speaking (the French that they teach in school, the Spanish that her BFF speaks, and her made up language when she's feeling left out when others are speaking a language she doesn't know!), drawing, cutting, baking ball of energy. She has a great personality that sometimes transforms her into "Dramatica!" Princess gives wonderful hugs and kisses. She still likes to be sung to sleep sometimes. She likes to go to church. She loves dresses and watching basketball and football with her daddy. She is adding numbers at school. She is learning to write in cursive and read!!! I screamed when she brought home her first practice sheets of cursive writing. She loves life. She loves her daddy (she's always saying "just the two of us" to him) and she loves her baby brother. She is magical...

Thank you Lord for the INCOMING blessing of family love. Thank you Lord for my Bear (his post is coming soon). Thank you Lord for my babies...

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