Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm treading...

I have been feeling like I'm going under. I can see the water rising from my hips to my stomach to my shoulders to the top of my neck. The water is rising and I'm standing still. Have you ever had that feeling?

That feeling lets me know that I am becoming overwhelmed. I have had at least six major deadlines at work within the past month and a half. I have had team meetings, off site meetings (it was fun), parent meetings, administrative meetings, after school meetings, before school meetings, school wide meetings. I have been reviewing goals and planning lessons. I have been working with an intern observing in my classroom. I work hard to do and be my best at work.

I come home and try to be the best mommy and wife I can be. I play. I laugh. I chase (did I tell you that Juicy Boy started walking at 9 months?). I read (to and with Princess (She is doing well reading her beginner books. I didn't push. It's all the work of her teacher. My master's degree in reading education means nothing to her!). We dance. We sing. We eat...yeah, I cook too. I spend time with Bear talking, singing, dancing, loving, listening, watching television/movies. I enjoy spending time with friends, talking to friends...this is so good for my soul. I am connecting better than I have been in awhile. And yes, I even try to make time for me. I am just like you. I am just exhausted. I need a break!

I feel like Kindred the Family Soul sometimes. "I wanna go to a place where lovers go. Do the things that lovers do. No stress, a sweet caress from me to you. I wanna do the things we used to do. Say the things we used to say. Just lay, everyday (all day). Far away from here, far away from here, far away from here. Just jump in a taxicab, pack a bag, and get away fast." I can hear Miami and California calling me, but I don't really have to go that far for a break. I can have my break right here.

I thought my break might have come in the form of a snow day by now. I know we've had Christmas break and MLK off from school, but nothing beats that unexpected (or expected) snow day. You know the kind of snow day that happens when nothing is falling when you go to sleep at midnight, but by the time you rise at 4:30 to check the weather stations, a beautiful white blanket has covered the area and CLOSED THE SCHOOLS. (Ooh, I'm getting excited just thinking about it.) I thought we had one day coming, but alas it turned into a two hour delay. I was grateful for the extra sleep time...well potential of extra sleep time since Princess gets up like an alarm clock no matter what to tell me that she is hungry.

Old Man Winter seems to have a thing going on with Sister Spring and she's got my "man" all hot and bothered. It was 71 balmy degrees in Reston, VA yesterday! She's really working her magic. Now, don't get me wrong, you know I love the warm weather! It was wonderful to feel the warmth against my skin and feel the balmy breezes last night, but it would also be nice to cuddle up with my family while drinking hot chocolate in my pajamas, making stew, chilli, or some other comfort food in the crock pot while surfing the web, taking naps (whenever Juicy Boy is am I), catching up on magazines or books, or just vegging in front of the television...all because we had a snow day. The snow day would relax me and give me the mental health break (thanks Daddy!) that I desperately need.

So, I'm going to hold my breath and try to tread water for a couple of weeks longer to see if this snow is going to appear. Although it was a balmy 71 degrees here yesterday, tonight it is 40 degrees and it is supposed to be 36 degrees on Monday. I'll keep looking for chances of precipitation with chilly temperatures in the forecast. When I hear that there is a chance of accumulating snow I will show Princess how to do a real good snow dance with our pajamas inside out and have sweet dreams. I'll wake up at 4:30 (well, I'll already be awake and leaving Juicy Boy's room--yeah that's one of his eating intervals) and check the weather while holding my breath.

If it doesn't snow, I'll be taking a Monday and/or a Friday sometime soon to lounge, love, and laugh with my family...maybe while wearing my pajamas inside out...all in the name of mental health:)

How do you get yours?


Mama Kim said...

hey girl, another great post! you've really captured the spirit of "snow daze" and so much more. Here's to a day of for mama jillybeans!

mama kim

Mango Mama said...

Girl, I've been looking for the elusive snow day myself.