Saturday, February 9, 2008

Puff le Dragon Magique

Today was a special day for Princess. It was the annual school concert. She, her classmates, and peers sang for their adoring photo and video frenzied parents. They recited an opening Peace Poem and followed up with two songs about working together. Then they sang two songs about content they've learned, "Tell me the Oceans" and "Tell Me the Continents." After those big hits...(The songs stay in your mind..."Tell me the name of the five big oceans, tell me the names if you can! The (short e) Pacific! The (long e) Atlantic!...") they sang in French. Now, I didn't understand a thing they sang, but I knew the tunes of the songs...and the program confirmed my thoughts. They sang the Itsy Bitsy Spider (Princess' favorite song as an infant and toddler) and What a Wonderful World (Louie Armstrong would be proud). Now the finale, and the best part of the concert was when they 3, 4, and 5 year old students sang Puff le Dragon Magique!

When Princess first started singing this song at home, I thought she was making up the lyrics. I know that sounds terrible, but she had just recieved a wonderfully illustrated version of Puff the Magic Dragon from a colleague of mine with a CD of the song. Princess is really intrigued by languages, and has been known to create her own when she hears someone else speaking a foreign language. So when I heard her sing, "Puff le Dragon Magique..." at home, I thought she was in her creative mode and just decided that she would enhance the song. Little did I know!

I was such a proud mommy when I saw her reciting and singing in English and French. Princess is a wonderful blessing. She is intelligent, caring, funny, silly, inquisitive, conscious of who she is, creative, and a part of me. My beautiful girl is growing up. Sometimes I just look at her in awe of just how good God has been to me. Thank you Lord!

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