Monday, February 25, 2008

Still A Friend Of Mine

The past two years have been years of transition. I've moved, had another child, changed jobs, grown hair(!!!), grown spiritually, and emotionally. (Thank goodness I haven't grown physically;) During my transition some of my friendships have become closer. I have gained so much from my angelfriends (yeah, I'm talking about you!). You enhance my life, my family, my spirit. You keep me refreshed.

During my transition others friendships have become more distant. I am grateful for the strong relationships that I've been able to continue, but I truly miss those friends who I don't talk to as much as I used to. I miss their laughter, views, conversation, families, children and just basic...friendship. I know we all get caught up in, family, activities, etc. So, I assume that we all are experiencing similar life-things and have an understanding about the frequency of our calls or visits. I know that sometimes I am guilty of thinking that my Girls know me...they know I'll come up for air when I'm finished riding this roller coaster, or when I can get situated, or when I finally feel like talking...when they actually might not. My mistake.

This year, I am making an effort to talk to friends that I haven't in awhile, and to keep up with those I have. Now, I'm not saying this is going to be easy, but making a call or writing an email message, or even sending a card, just to say I'm thinking about you is often all it takes to let someone know you care and keep the friendship rolling.

I treasure all of the friendships that I have, whether they be close or distant, at the moment. I love my friends and as the Incognito song says, "Here and now, still somehow, still a friend of mine, oh you're still a friend of mine...Seasons come and seasons go...I'm gonna be right here for you! Still a friend of mine, oh you're still a friend of mine!"


Mango Mama said...

Jilly, I'm with you. The continual nurturing of our friendships is very necessary and I, too, have made a promise to do a lot better than I've done in the past. I really want my close friends to know how much I need their presence in my life, but so often I get caught up with the daily busyness of work, the kids and Loverman.

Great post.

Mama Kim said...

LOVE YOU!!!!Still a friend of mine, ALWAYS! Even if it takes me a few weeks to catch up on your blog! So great to be able to see how the babies are growing! You and Greg are doing a wonderful job, and baby, I know it ain't easy! Keep being the splendid creature that you are...
Love you