Wednesday, November 28, 2007

cultural diffusion is what they call it now

I was tagged yesterday by my girl and fellow blogger mango mama (check out her blog Living Out LOUD with a meme. What in the world is a meme? I surely didn't know. She told me it's when you are asked to share things about yourself and then you tag others, so the meme keeps going on. She told me she looked it up on google, so I did the same thing to get a better understanding. I'm new to this blogging thing and I wanted to do the right thing. Well, after looking at a few sites, I saw that a meme is a cultural diffusion, a theoretical unit of cultural information, a...chain letter. Yup, it's a good old fashioned chain letter. Mango mama didn't break the chain and neither will I.

I have been charged with sharing seven random tidbits about Jillybean...

1. I know how to do the soldier boy dance! I know, I'm almost 40, but you know I can't resist learning a new dance, line dance, or dance routine. (Don't let Thriller come on! I can crawl out of the ground and do it with the best of them. You have got to see my moonwalk. Ain't that right Auntie Jo?) Anyway, I got a short tutorial from my nephew M.H. and then Princess and I went on you tube and followed the tutorial. Well, we are two dancin' fools in here when Soldier Boy comes on. "Soldier Boy.....and superman and ho! Now watch me zoom like dat soldier boy." I love the superman part. We were jammin' to that this morning while she got dressed for school.

2. I went to Girls' High with Jill Scott. We were both on the school's choir, Treble Clef. As a matter of fact I was on there first, since she is younger than me. So, I can't figure out why she has the fabulous singing career and I don't. I know I sound the shower. That's okay, my mom loves to hear me sing Hodie, Christus, Natust Est.

3. I hear myself sounding like my mother more often than I would like to admit:) One of my favorite Glo-isms comes out of my mouth when I hear, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Moooommmmmy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!" That's when I say, Mommy ran away!

4. I am writing a children's book. I have been for the past four years. Yeah, I started it when Princess was born. She's the inspriation. I got a little writer's block and haven't touched it since. I need to get on that. Especially since I'm feeling the writing bug.

5. I am going to be a part of Oprah's favorite things list in her O magazine for my natural thoughts, sistahs, and jillybabies lines of stationary, clothing, bedding, and children's day. I am claiming that! That vibration is permiating the universe.

6. You all know that I love The Wiz, but Grease and Dirty Dancin' are numbers two and three on my favorite musical movie list! Go Grease Lightnin'! I've Had the Time of My Life! Oh, and back to item number one, I know the dance moves to go to these songs too.

7. I met Method Man, some other boy from Wutang (there are thousands of them...they are like clowns coming out of a car), and Redman. They gave me a shout out during the concert. They also politely asked me if I wanted some of their blunt since I was a teacher. FUNNY! I was also on stage with Dru Hill during a New Year's Eve party at Republic Gardens. Okay, I wasn't front and center singing Tell me What You Want with Cisco...I was more stage right...really stage right, but you could see me from the audience.

This was fun. Not like the old chain letters of the past. I like the meme. Now, I'm not sure who to tag because my blogging friends have already been tagged. I guess, I can tag all of you who read this blog. You can respond when you post a comment. I look forward to learning more about you;)

The Bean

1 comment:

Mango Mama said...

Ok Jilly, I think we're going to have to start our own showtunes blogging club. I also have my own Jill Scoot story, but I'll share that with you privately. I'm off to check out this soldier boy thing, causi I have no idea what you're talking about. Thanks for sharing and playing along!