Sunday, November 18, 2007

the screams of passion

i've been hearing the screams of passion so much this weekend, that i think i'm going to join in. as much as i love the soundtrack from girl 6 (yes, it still plays in heavy rotation...just ask Bear, he'll tell you), that's not what i'm talking about. i'm talking about the strong, escalating, ear piercing screams of passion from my juicy boy because he doesn't want to go to sleep. mind you he is exhausted, but like his big sister, he is so nosy (i mean inquisitive--gotta watch the language), that he doesn't allow himself to sleep long!

juicy boy is seven months and three weeks now. he is very active. he's speed crawling all over the place. he's pulling up on anything and anybody (watch your legs) around. he loves to laugh, chase, roll around, and get pulled on the blanket by his sister. he participates in our evening dance party (oh, yeah, the stewart family is getting down to classic r & b every night courtesy of the channel on comcast) and has some mean moves;) he drools and makes us all laugh with delight at his husky laugh. he plays ball and his exersaucer keeps him actively entertained. we think we are wearing the boy down. we are wearing him down. juicy boy is tired around 7 or 8 at night. he goes to sleep right after miss princess. there is calm and peace in the house...until we hear those screams of passion 30 minutes later.

i call juicy boy's cries screams of passion because he is determined, no matter how long it takes (one night he screamed for over an hour...i was trying to ferberize him--too much for me!!) to get our attention, our hugs, our physical presence. he has this soothing crib toy that plays music in his crib that works for awhile and then the screams of passion start up again. he'll be comforted by Bear for awhile, but you know mama's got the goods and he's all over me sucking my face and pulling my hair to get his milk that i'm holding hostage. i feed on demand, so we make it work, but boy am i tired. juicy boy seems to like his milk every two to three hours! he used to wake up at night and self soothe a little more when he was younger. we've been trying to get him to self soothe again, but he ain't havin' it. now it seems like he's found his voice, literally, and we all get treated to the screams of passion a couple of times a night. we're lucky that miss princess needs her beauty sleep and once she's asleep, his cries don't wake her (thank you Lord).

Bear says that juicy boy just wants to be under his mommy. awwww. my heart is melting. juicy boy tugs at my heart strings just like the princess used to when she was his age. so, since she learned to sleep through the night, i know he will too. but in the mean time, i am floating on fumes. juicy boy serenades me nightly to those screams of passion (oooooh oooooh) for mommy...(that's my story and i'm sticking to it.) do i make it eveyr day? mother's love, ooh mother's love!

click one of the videos to the right and enjoy the real version of the screams of passion. they just take me back.


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