Saturday, January 26, 2008

Did you realize?

The radio has been pumping songs from "Graduation," Kanye West's latest album. Bear bought the album so I decided to check out the rest of the album. I'm one of those people who find a favorite song on the album that never gets airplay, but becomes my jam. Well, I listened to a few bars from the first cut and moved on. Then the second cut TOOK OVER right out of the gate! So, true to form, I found my jam!!! I ran that song so much, that I knew the lyrics by the time I got home that day, and I only have 15 minutes in the car after I drop off Princess in the morning, and before I pick her up in the afternoon! This song became my anthem...

When I turned to track 2, "Champion," I heard three beats and then the Steely Dan sample from "King Charlemagne" permeated my body singing, "Did you realize, that you were a champion in there eyes?!" The beat was pumpin' and I got hyped!! Then I started listening to the lyrics, and although he has some of that Kanye swagger and a few -ISH words, I got emotional. I started thinking of the champions in my life...Mommy, Daddy, Bear, Nanny, Pop-Pop, Daddy Butch and Aunt Pat, Billy, Tahra, Tina, Mommychelle and Uncle Vincent, Aunt Sassy, the Horseshoe Honey, Pinky (yeah, I was the Brain and we were going to take over the world), October Breeze, Sooz, Dr. Trae, Dr. Moni, Omi, Mama Kim, both of those "K's" who are AKAs, Univesity of Michigan's biggest football fan, and the friends, sorors, and family.

The tears were flowing...then I thought about my babies...Princess and Juicy Boy! Well, then that ugly face cry snuck up on me. I have to be their champions at all times. They are my blessings and I MUST treat them as such. I was dancing and crying and dancing and was becoming a bit spiritual for me. You know I make spiritual connections with music regularly. Earth, Wind, and Fire and Frankie Beverly keep me lifted and positive. This song has definitely been added to the list.

As I pulled into the parking lot of my school, I wanted to run to the building intercom and blast the song. I wanted everyone to be motivated to educate children that day instead of just "working." As a teacher, I should be a champion in the eyes of my students. The song says, "This is the story of a champion, runners on your mark when they pop the gun. Stand up, stand he comes. Tell me what it takes to be number one! Tell me what it takes to be number one!" I have the responsibility to give them the information, tools, and strategies so they can be number one.

There are athletes, artist (specifically recording artists), and celebrities who are quick to say, "I don't want to be a role model...I'm not a role model..." There are people in the schools, churches, and community who don't want to be role models. There are people in families who don't want to be role models. Well, when children see you and want to be like you, for whatever reason, you automatically become a role model. "Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyes?!"

I wonder how different the world would be if everyone realized that they were a champion to someone. I wonder if we would be kinder, more thoughtful, more helpful, more loving, more considerate, more understanding, more open to new and different things. I wonder if we would be more positive and peaceful people...

I ask all of you who are reading this blog, "Did you realize, that you are a champion in their eyes?!" My are to me.


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