Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ready for Change!

Bear and I were just talking about how we used to say, "The first Black president...will be assassinated." As the possibility of Barack Obama becoming the first Black president moves closer to a reality, I pray that that is not the case.

America is tired of old "W" and his nonsense, irresponsible actions, and detrimental behavior. America is ready for change. Now, we'll have to wait and see what type of change and how much of a change.

There are two candidates who would obviously bring a change to the White House, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton, if she were elected, would be the first female president of the United States. That change would possibly bring a change in perspective. If we accept a few stereotypes about women, Hillary Clinton as President would bring compassion, empathy, and emotion/passion to the White House. She would potentially have better relationships with Heads of State from other countries. She would understand what it means not be born into a world of access, privilege and class because of the combination of race and gender. Hillary Clinton would then conceivably govern, lead and protect our country in a manner different than America has ever experienced. She would be an agent of change.

If Barack Obama were elected, he would be the first African American president of the United States. He would be the first person of color to be the president of the United States. That would possibly bring a change in perspective to the White House. Because of Barack Obama's schema as a Black man in America, he would also bring compassion, empathy, and passion to the White House. He would potentially have better relationships with Heads of State from other countries. He would also understand what it means not to be born into a world of access, privilege and class. Barack Obama would then conceivably govern, lead, and protect our country in a manner different than America has ever experienced. He would be an agent of change.

I know that there are other candidates running for the position of President of the United States of America. I am following their campaigns also. However, these two candidates speak to me as a Black woman in America. These candidates are a promise of change in the future because and in spite of the fact that on some levels they are like me.

One thing that I do know is that, as Sam Cooke sings...A Change Is Gonna Come... I can't wait!

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