Sunday, January 6, 2008

Take the time...

2007 was a year of celebrating lives. It was the year that my family and I celebrated the birth of Juicy Boy and the life that God had given us/him. It was also a year that a few of my good friends celebrated the lives of their fathers, mothers, and other family members in home goings. Although my friends and their loved ones morned the physical loss of their parent, they also smiled, shared memories, and laughed. They were able to do that because they had wonderful relationships with their parents. They spent time with them. They bonded with them. They told them and showed them that they loved them.

We, my friends, are maturing...and despite my personal rose colored glasses, so are our parents. I am so blessed to have Nick and Glo as my parents. They raised me and prepared me to be a contributing, loving, silly, positive member of society. They taught/showed me to love myself. They taught/showed me about the love of God. They taught/showed me about my history (family and culture). They taught/showed me to love others. They taught/showed me to believe in myself and my abilities. They taught/showed me to take a stand. They taught/showed me to enjoy a challenge. They taught/showed me how to quench my thirst for knowledge. They also taught/showed me how to have a good time. To enjoy art, dance, nature, new things, old things. They taught/showed me how to enjoy life. Because of this and parents are my friends. I love hanging out with them. We have a good time singing, dancing, talking, dreaming, praying, and playing. I am blessed.

I wanted to take the time to say something that I say to them regularly, but want them to always know. Mommy and Daddy, I LOVE YOU! I am fortunate to have you and your love. I am blessed that God chose you two as my parents, a perfect combination. I am blessed that we are family.

In 2008, please take the advice of my grandmother. Nanny says, "let people know that you love and appreciate them while they are living." Don't let the opportunity go by thinking that they know it, or that you'll get around to telling them. As Stevie Wonder says, "Ones you say you cherish everyday, Can instantly be taken away, Then you'd say I know this can't be true, When you never took the time, To simply tell them I love you."

This year, please, take the time...


Sooz said...

Beautiful!! Well said. :) Smooches and I love you!

jillybean said...

Love back to you...can't wait to see you.